Fecha y hora actual: Jue Nov 21, 2024 8:31 pm

Call of Duty

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¿Quién está en línea?

En total hay 75 usuarios en línea: 0 Registrados, 0 Ocultos y 75 Invitados
El record de usuarios en línea fue de 271 durante el Vie Oct 18, 2024 4:23 pm

Usuarios registrados: Ninguno

Miembros que celebran sus cumpleaños hoy: AcquaX (34), ajpy92 (32), anacarla (42), BladeMaster (29), bope (44), bryandual (46), cabosnake (28), cash881121 (36), chvkial (30), EXFIRE (27), gonzalocanodj (44), gusty1 (31), J0n4.Hack (34), juanalvarez (25), laloka (28), lee (33), Lestat (36), lucho2011 (30), luuchO (30), luzdivina (54), maii diaz (28), marcosmiranda94 (30), MárTorres21 (27), Nirius (35), psychodynamic (39), rIpToR (37), seba (54)
Miembros que celebran su cumpleaños en los próximos 7 días: *elcrizz* (53), -orlandof (32), -Techi- (28), 7hiago (28), =ARG=PLETORIANS (52), abdielzadoth_x17 (33), alanmaguin (40), alejandro antonio (37), alexjonathan (33), alexusac (39), alquich1r3 (40), angelus21mx (44), ArcH EnemY (33), argjose (54), asdasd spammer (46), ass (29), ATADER (28), bam stiffler (34), Barkstun (30), blackvato (30), boqita (29), braian_22 (32), bravandk (27), Casanova (28), casquitopes (34), Champeta12 (27), cheyo22 (39), chichomandra (29), chokko88 (36), correocba (52), CrisisX (31), cristhian12 (32), cristina_cortes_19 (34), CrossPack (29), Cross_blade (31), csaito (28), dana_dimitrie (39), Dan_t (45), darkmep97 (27), daro51 (43), davidsax (37), dazcko (44), DelPotro (44), demeso (37), DIEGOCUERVO (29), diegoxawhier (31), diego_leon_azul (37), djtavojara (30), Drako-Ian (28), druida_27 (48), edufiloni (41), egoan82 (42), EL GATILLERO (30), eldanux (45), elmasmaldito (35), elmejor23120 (26), elnengcr9 (44), elzte (30), emilio (37), EmixBM (27), erictobler (34), EsTiVeN133 (30), Falso (30), faustjj (33), fer72lpm (34), FGFshooter (47), fgmarimon (46), fraskiito (32), Frespo (34), Gasp (41), GENERAL_JEFF_01 (35), German (35), gianca (34), gianlucabaggiarini (60), gioguido (32), giselomas (47), gsjee (35), GuidOchoa (30), Gusanito (35), gustavo paz (27), Gustavo Salazar (51), gustavo0333 (52), gusty_353 (45), hanniballecter (34), haroldo (37), helopepe (46), hernansoft (42), ichigohollow (52), ivanxhito (32), ivan_0123 (34), jaav85 (39), JalrO (30), janiertupapa-1995 (34), jano (37), javoje2011 (45), jesuh2222 (44), jhoan (29), JhovannDark (30), jiojila (37), jjulian (30), jmai209 (30), Joanvonsen (37), jocehhhh (31), Jooakoo14 (29), jorge21221 (38), josuayandel (31), juan antonio aguilar (58), juan3s87 (37), jujuan (37), kender17 (30), khalo27 (36), kp2dku (33), KumBieriTO (34), laautii (31), laguzzi90 (34), Lau (41), lautharo (30), leoxxxxx (36), levian (33), linux3000 (29), LocopastelxD (30), lucaskud (33), luxenburgotico (39), mabrego (44), MALDADER13 (30), MANHUNT (31), Manu3l (38), marine788 (51), master-flow (29), matador2011 (27), matoas (34), mauro martinez (40), mauro78 (34), maxilito (27), maxy_2879 (45), mc piyiyoo (31), mgnesio (38), mimoso (32), MrGangsterBlack (26), navegante1z (35), nekkron (36), NezU_xD (32), nico.dc (32), nicozero90 (34), Ninsha (38), Niurkoxx (30), noee87 (29), nomexd (40), NuveronKm (32), oefm1976 (48), Oldboy89 (35), ootacon94 (33), pablinsky (35), pabloncja (33), pacho12 (37), pachoo (40), panchochico (41), paPichula (28), pepeargeto (39), petete (45), PIBE76 (48), puzufrejo (50), rabiz (28), ramirop (50), RAWSONCITY (59), reloco22 (34), robinso (28), rufo (34), Ruso (41), santinen (31), santutene (31), sargentofenix (25), sayri (34), sergio0168 (63), sergiox (29), silentasasin (34), SixDays (32), Skater16 (31), SkrimRex (30), SlipknotMaggot (34), solaos (36), sonic-_sum (45), sudo@user (35), SulNativo (33), Th3-PunySheR (29), tomascercola (32), tomidelux (34), tuky (44), TwEeTy_ARG( ban por vivo) (29), ulisseo (45), vanesa (39), VanHohenheim (34), vaporel (52), Vasilli sf (36), vlmagnus (44), vodkaruskov (37), Wachiman (34), walsinet (44), Will0w (46), williamsari (28), XcallejeroX (36), xela1414 (35), xxdeyvixx (29), XxSantixX (28), xxShotOfDeadxx (29), XxxSepsaXxx (27), yakuza022 (34), yaneska (48), yoni24 (36), yuyo (45), Zacawaky (30), zerocool (32), _Matos_ (30), _MindFreak_ (42)

Leyenda : [ AT Clan´s [OP7] ][ [CAE] clan ][ Full Member ][ New Full Member ]

Nuestros miembros han publicado un total de 65529 mensajes

Tenemos 10639 miembros registrados

El último usuario registrado es Tesubdasu